Austin Vince
The inimitable Austin Vince of the Mondo Sahara, Mondo Enduro and Terra Circa expeditions. Famous the world over as the patron saint of DIY adventure motorcycling, Austin needed a place to compartmentalise the many sides to his hectic life, so he came to see us. After just one meeting and a couple of phone calls was born. From buying his overalls to booking his events – it helps run his life.

"I spent many waking hours chasing my tail, trying to juggle a multitude of commitments. Designamite rationalised and coalesced my life into something manageable. Why are you still reading this? Call Designamite NOW!" Austin Vince DIY Adventure Motorcyclist

Key services include:
- Rotoscoped Title Sequence Animation
- CMS Website
- Email Marketing
- Press Advertising
- Packaging
- Marketing Campaigns
- Clothing
- DVD Production
- DVD Packaging
- Film Marketing